How To Build, Edit & Publish Your Small Business Podcast In One Week With

Podmaster PRO Blueprint



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In less than 45 minutes, learn more about WHY podcasting is the next big marketing tool for small business owners and HOW podcasting can help you grow your small business exponentially.


Are you sleeping on the next big marketing tool for small businesses? 

Not only is podcasting the next big marketing tool for small businesses, but it’s also a low-cost investment, with a potentially global reach (504 million projected listeners by the end of 2024!) that can be highly personalized to effectively translate your brand and value proposition.

Launching your small business podcast will enable you to :

  • Become the voice of expertise in your industry
  • Tap into a medium with global reach to grow your small business exponentially
  • Become front-of-mind when customers are ready to make a buying decision

It's not just a fad. In fact, it could be a game changer for your business.


There's just one problem

You think it takes skills, time & money you don't have

  • You think that creating a podcast will take up too much of your time
  • You don't have any experience editing audio
  • You don't have any fancy equipment to create a professional podcast
  • All of this means it's going to cost too much money because you'll have to hire someone

Here's the truth

Podcasting does not have to be difficult or expensive.

Contrary to what others may say (or even that little voice in your head), podcasting does not have to be difficult if you are taught the right way. You do not have to rent out professional recording space or buy fancy equipment to build a professional podcast. And it's completely affordable if you have the right person teaching you the right combination of tools to use.  And the secret sauce is learning how to create a PODCAST BLUEPRINT that you use on repeat over and over again.

This is for you if:

  • You want an easy and consistent way to deliver a professional podcast without breaking the bank

  • You want to connect with more prospects for your business and drive more leads, revenue & growth

  • You want to become the voice of expertise in your industry and be front of mind with future customers

  • You have limited or absolutely no technical podcast editing experience! 

This is not for you if:

  • You want a silver bullet (BTW, that doesn't exist)
  • You are not ready to put in some work to build the initial podcast blueprint
  • Don't enjoy online learning
  • Want to spend tons of money paying someone else to do this for you

Podmaster PRO Blueprint

How to build, edit & publish your small business podcast in one week!

Proven roadmap

Save time and money by creating a podcast blueprint that you use on repeat every time you need to publish and episode.

Weekly Q&As

Join weekly coaching calls to get live support and feedback on your podcast planning, editing & publishing.

Private Community

Gain access to our private community, where you can post questions and receive answers as recorded demos when needed.

Learn at Your Own Pace

Want the fast track?  Complete the course in less than 12 hours and have your podcast published in a week.  Otherwise, work at your own pace.

Ready to start your podcast and tap into a new audience of leads? Choose your payment plan:

Pay in Full


  • Lifetime access to all course material and all future updates
  • Complete access to my templates, course worksheets, and job aids that will help you strategically plan your podcast with your small business goals in mind
  • Step-by-step short video lessons on all technology platforms used to build, edit, publish and market your podcast
  • “Just in time” video training snippets allow easy accessibility to topics that you need right when you need them
  • Clear action items for you throughout the course to keep you on track
  • FREE GIFT: Podcast Content Brainstorm Tool

2 payments of


  • Lifetime access to all course material and all future updates
  • Complete access to my templates, course worksheets, and job aids that will help you strategically plan your podcast with your small business goals in mind
  • Step-by-step short video lessons on all technology platforms used to build, edit, publish and market your podcast
  • “Just in time” video training snippets allow easy accessibility to topics that you need right when you need them
  • Clear action items for you throughout the course to keep you on track

"Wow! This is incredible! I just wanted to send you a quick note about how impressed I am. I really love how you set it up along with the tips and recommendations for what technology to use. I love your structure and overall plan for learning. It is so easy to follow and makes it very doable."

Sally Mooney,  Owner of SalPal Coaching & Podmaster PRO Blueprint Student

This is possible for you too.

Starting your small business podcast begins here.

1. Join Podmaster PRO Blueprint Today

Click the enrollment button, choose your payment plan, and follow the checkout steps. You'll get an email will your login details and gain immediate access to the course material.

2. Dive into the course and take action

Dive into the content and take action. If you're eager, you can have your podcast published in one week.  If you need more time, no worries! You have lifetime access to the course.

3. Publish Your Professional Podcast!

From branding choices and strategic planning of content to step-by-step editing tutorials, you'll gain access to everything you need to build, edit & publish your small business podcast.


What you really need in order to be successful

The right suite of strategies and tools all in one place


Ideation, Strategic Planning & Branding

Using worksheets and video lessons specifically designed for this course, you will be guided through:

  • Developing strategic content topics & formatting decisions
  • Choosing your podcast name and music and professional branding your podcast to reflect your business
  • Setting up the right suite of affordable and easy-to-use technology tools that will help you from start to finish



Best Practices for Recording & Editing Your Podcast Audio

Step-by-step video tutorials and demos will help you:

  • Know how and where to record the best quality audio without renting professional space
  • Learn how to edit your audio like a pro, the easy way
  • BUILD YOUR PODCAST BLUEPRINT TO USE ON REPEAT GOING FORWARD - you build it once during the course and use it over and over again



Publishing, Marketing & Driving Listenership To Your Podcast

 After your podcast is edited and ready to go, you'll also learn:

  • How to publish your podcast and distribute on major platforms
  • How to create an audiogram (mini commercial) for social media and marketing purposes to promote your podcast
  • Best practices for driving listenership, tracking leads from the podcast, and understanding your ROI



More Details About The Podmaster PRO Blueprint Course

The course content is delivered immediately inside our members-only site once you decide to join.

You’ll immediately receive:

  • Lifetime access to all course material and all future updates
  • Complete access to my templates, course worksheets, and job aids that will help you strategically plan your podcast with your small business goals in mind
  • Step-by-step short video lessons on all technology platforms used to build, edit, publish and market your podcast
  • “Just in time” video training snippets allow easy accessibility to topics that you need right when you need them
  • Clear action items for you through the course to keep you on track

Plus a valuable bonus

Bonus:  The Podcast Content Brainstorm Tool

If the full payment option is chosen, you'll receive The Podcast Content Brainstorm Tool at no additional cost.  Use this tool to help think through relevant content, topics, interview partnerships, and industry hot buttons that can drive listenership.


Our money-back guarantee

Try our program for 30 days, risk-free

That's right.  I'm so confident that this course will help you start your podcast in an easy and affordable way, I'm offering a 30-day money-back guarantee.  Details are outlined in the Terms & Conditions.

Meet your coach

Hi, I'm Meredith

When I was a kid – I was always a "creative." All I wanted to do was sing and do theatre and perform for anyone who would watch.  I would dive into books and be taken away on these amazing magical escapes.  The characters became my friends. To this day I LOVE television and movies for the same reason.  In college, I was a writer.  I definitely hated science. And to this day in the kitchen, I’d consider myself a chef - never a baker - because baking has too many rules to follow.  A chef is creative in the moment.

Are you seeing the pattern here?

Well, college ended and I had no idea what I wanted to do and I got swept up in taking a corporate job in – prepare yourself – INSURANCE.  I know.  I don’t even have words.

But that was the path.  And for years, because I’m absolutely driven and ambitious to a fault, I kept climbing that corporate ladder all the time wondering what the hell I was doing!  How could someone so rooted in creativity and the arts stay for so long in corporate life?

For 17 years, I worked for companies that partnered with small businesses.  I learned how to listen to them.  I learned about their hardships and I learned how to match what my company’s services or products could help them – what could ease the burden.  I was good at my job because I actually wanted to be the person that brought a solution to the table – and I did just that.  And yet still in the back of my mind, I felt like a creative sellout.


Enter that full-circle moment...

But almost a decade ago, I had one of those full-circle moments.  I was asked to take my sales knowledge and teach others to do what I do.  I became an instructional designer.  [That’s a fancy way of referring to people who build online learning courses, and sales materials, deliver in-person and virtual training sessions and create podcasts to implement learning solutions for employees.]

Now, this was creative, yall.  I loved it and I thrived in it – because I was melding the two sides of my heart now.  I was providing valuable solutions but I also got to be the person designing and creating an actual product at the end of the day that got used by others to better their skill sets.

This, my friends, is where I became a skilled podcaster.  I learned how to brainstorm content, understand the importance of formatting choices, and how to deliver professionalism and true connection over the airwaves at the same time. 

Then, outside of corporate life (as if I had any extra time) I began producing two podcasts with my two best friends for their passion projects.

So when I say I’m a podcaster and a small business ally and your biggest hype girl when you’ve never met me…This is why. 

I have this process down to a science. I have driven strong top-line results for a Fortune 200 company using podcasts.  I have also helped small business owners reach wider audiences with their mission and value.

I’m a proud graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill (Go Heels!) where I hated chemistry but loved literature and screenwriting. I currently live in Charlotte, NC with my husband, Marc, who is from England, and our little Boston Terrier, Charlotte, who definitely is the boss of the household.

Kris says...

"Meredith has been the producer of our podcast from the beginning and she has helped us reach new heights! She is thoughtful and methodical and has helped us hone in on our audience and mission. We absolutely could not do our work without her expertise!"

Alison says...

"We went to Meredith for help with creative direction and producing our first podcast and she is amazing! She provided invaluable insight and guidance, not to mention top-notch editing skills. We highly recommend seeking her out to create an easy yet professional result."

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you ready to start your podcast and change the game for your small business?

Don't keep doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result.  Don't ignore the next big marketing tool for small business owners because you are worried about your lack of skills, time, or money. Enroll today and let's start our partnership and drive a new audience to your small business!